Friday, November 2, 2007


i will preface this by first apologizing to my lovely friends who wear flip-flops. i'm sorry; i still love the shit out of you and do not think lowly of you for wearing them. but i do not like it when you wear flip-flops. they're white-trashy. and not even that comfortable; and i know that's your excuse. ok, if you're going swimming, and need to get bare-footed on a whim, flip-flops are ok. if you're camping, ok...yeah. at the beach, sure. but honestly: flip-flops are shower shoes. and PLEASE, it is NOT ok to wear flip-flops in a city like sf. you know what's on the ground. and you know that half an inch of foam is not going to protect the bottoms of your feet from being covered in transient feces, urine and/or being poked by the syringes of junkies. and when i see you wearing flip-flops and a big puffy jacket and scarf, that's as bad as the uggs and miniskirt combo.

point in case [not my friend - a vice DON'T] :

Motherfuck. Is there no respite from flip-flops? It must be 40 below out here and we still have to stare at toes like the air conditioning broke in a college dorm. What is it about stepping in shit where even when it’s frozen people just can’t get enough of it?


Reprimanda said...

TIR! so so not ok... keep your toes to yourself.

Laney said...

yeah! I'm glad you stalk my blog, and I didn't even know you had one, so now I shall start stalking yours too!

Anonymous said...

"In this country of 7 million people, with its ferocious violence and debilitating poverty, a quarter of all children die before age 5. Bullets zoom through the streets every day.

'The children from Mogadishu have seen dead people in the streets, wounded people in the streets,' said Ibrahim Haji, a counselor for the aid group World Vision Somalia."