Friday, May 23, 2008

the telectroscope, a viewing tunnel between london & new york

maybe i'm naive, but i had no idea you could just burrow from one side of the earth to another with a huge drill. can't. good thing i'm so damn logical.

i perused this website, and was like, "this is insane!"

and this. but wait...those bricks are curiously resting on that dirt. looks too clean to be real.

and then these photos.

then i delved deeper and realized it's an art project, and almost true. you can, in fact see from one end of the viewing lens to another, from brooklyn to london... but i won't spoil it for you, you can read this article.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

gimme a break!

toxic slimy rainbow slugs...aka: nudibranchs. i had no idea! the second ones below look like clay. insane! national geographic has a feature and some beautiful photos by david doubilet. nature is amazing. thanks for killing it, humanity.

"Found from sandy shallows and reefs to the murky seabed nearly a mile down, nudibranchs thrive in waters both warm and cold and even around billowing deep-sea vents. A few make their own poisons, but most pilfer from the foods they eat. Species that dine on toxic sponges, for example, alter and store the irritating compounds in their bodies and secrete them from skin cells or glands when disturbed. Other nudibranchs hoard capsules of tightly coiled stingers, called nematocysts, ingested from fire corals, anemones, and hydroids. Immune to the sting, the slugs deploy the stolen artillery along their own extremities."

george w. bush sewage plant?

the presidential memorial commission of my dear subversive san francisco wants to rename the oceanside wastewater treatment facility. what other fitting name than the george w. bush sewage plant? they're petitioning to get this on the november ballot... awesome! who is on the board of directors of the presidential memorial commission? none other than peaches christ & chicken john, to name a couple.

"We believe this is an appropriate honor for a truly unique president. If you think so too, join this grassroots movement to rename this important and iconic landmark in his honor."

"We believe this is a appropriate and enduring legacy, for no other president in modern American history has accomplished so much in such a short time."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

green porno.

i just learned that snails are sadomasochistic hermaphrodites and that a spider doesn't have a penis, so he has to shove his sperm into the female's epigynum with his palpi.

borderline creepy/hilarious isabella rosselini wrote and directed these short films about insect sex, called green porno. the snail, earthworm and fly shorts are my winners.